Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine Review 2024: Can it enhance workouts & aid recovery? Our Result

Discover how Transparent Labs Bcaa + Glutamine supplement aids soreness, boosting recovery, and supporting muscle growth. Dive into ingredients, benefits, and our firsthand experience for informed decision-making.

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Transparent Labs and their commitment to quality products

Transparent Labs is a well-known company that prides itself on manufacturing premium supplements devoid of artificial sweeteners, hazardous additives, and dubious components. Their goods have no extraneous or hidden parts and are made to be transparent and effective. The Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement, designed to support muscle repair and recovery, is one of their best-selling products.

Our team of coaches and specialists at Breaking Muscles evaluate the taste, solubility, effectiveness, and ingredients of Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine in this review to help you determine whether to purchase it.

Key Takeaways

  • Quality Ingredients: BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) and glutamine are included in the supplement. These amino acids are necessary for immune system function, muscle repair, diabetes[1] and recuperation.
  • Effective Formulation: For hydration and muscle building, it contains powdered coconut water, five grams of glutamine, and a 2:1:1 BCAA ratio.
  • No Dangerous Substances: It’s a healthier choice for customers because it doesn’t contain artificial coloring, sweeteners, or fillers.
  • Positive Reviews: Taste and efficacy in improving muscle recovery and performance[2] are generally well-received.
  • Pricing: Approximately $1.33 per serving, with a subscription plan offering lower costs. When compared to other BCAA supplements available on the market, this is thought to be affordable.
  • Third-Party Testing and Transparency: Transparent Labs carries out impartial testing to guarantee the quality and safety of products.
  • Possible Side Effects: As is common with amino acid supplements, there may be mild stomach problems and exhaustion.
  • Various Flavor Selections: Offered in a variety of tastes to suit a range of palates.
  • Target Market: Fit for fitness lovers and athletes, especially those on vegan and gluten-free diets.

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Transparent Labs Glutamine BCCA

Transparent Labs Glutamine BCCA

Value for Cost

4.8/5Value for Cost



Importance of BCAAs and glutamine for muscle recovery and performance

Glutamate and branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are two vital nutrients required for both muscle growth and recovery as well as overall sports performance. Leucine[3], isoleucine, and valine are the three BCAAs that are essential for increasing muscle protein synthesis and decreasing muscle breakdown during and after vigorous exercise.

Conversely, glutamine is the most prevalent amino acid in the body and is necessary for immune system function, muscular tissue growth, and cell division. These potent components are combined into a single product by Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine, which provides athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to improve muscle repair and performance with a complete strategy.

Key Ingredients

  • Leucine (4 grams): Needed for the production of muscle proteins, which help to grow and repair muscle.
  • Isoleucine (2 grams): increases muscle endurance and energy.
  • Valine (2 grams): Essential for the synthesis of energy. The body is unable to synthesize these vital amino acids, thus one must get them through food or supplementation. This product’s 2:1:1 BCAA ratio[4] is intended to maximize muscle growth and recuperation.
  • Glutamine (5 grams): Promotes intestinal integrity, immunological function[5], and muscle growth. It can lessen post-exercise muscular pain and aid in the synthesis of proteins.
  • Coconut Water Powder (1 gram): supplies potassium, sodium, and magnesium, three electrolytes that are essential for proper hydration, muscular contraction, and overall sports performance.
  • No Harmful Substances: Free of artificial sweeteners, colors, and fillers, providing a pure and secure option as a best premium BCAA supplement.

Formulation and Effectiveness

Formulation and its potential for muscle repair and recovery

Effective dosages of each active ingredient are provided by the Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement’s composition, which maximizes the potential for muscle repair and recovery. This synergistic blend of eight grams of BCAAs, five grams of glutamine, and one gram of powdered coconut water tackles several aspects of muscle performance and health.

Comparison with recommended dosages and research-backed efficacy

Numerous studies have shown that supplementing with glutamine and BCAAs is beneficial for both athletes and regular exercisers. Studies have indicated that branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can help lower inflammation, muscle damage[6], and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), facilitating quicker recovery[7] and better performance in follow-up exercises. Supplementing with glutamine has also been linked to increased immune system performance, reduced muscular soreness, and increased muscle protein synthesis.

Team Member’s Reviews highlighting the product’s effectiveness

This pre-workout was tried by one of our team members, who then shared his results. He mentioned that it is reasonably priced. Due to the one-scoop serving size and appropriate quantities of all constituents, this pre-workout appears pricey at first, but it is more affordable than other pre-workouts that require several scoops to achieve the same results.

The addition of vitamins is the only item they would like to see changed. Instead of taking their vitamins with a pre-workout, they would want to select their supplements based on their individual health needs, since not everyone will benefit equally from additional vitamins like boron. Additionally, if you don’t utilize the pre-workout, you lose out on essential vitamins.

Taste and Flavors

Flavor Varieties

  • Offers four different flavors: blue raspberry, strawberry lemonade, tropical punch, and sour green apple.
  • Variety encourages delightful eating and helps avoid flavor fatigue.

Customer Feedback

  • Generally gets good reviews because of its flavorful and reviving taste.
  • For example, Tropical Punch is renowned for being tasty and hydrated when working out.
  • Some people think flavors like strawberry lemonade are a little too sour or acidic.

Adjusting Taste

  • If the taste is too strong, it can be combined with a beverage that has a neutral flavor or diluted with more water.
  • It could be essential to try a variety of flavors to determine which one best suits you.

Overall Quality

  • Backed by reputable client testimonials and empirical studies.
  • Has an easy-to-read ingredient list, sensible doses, and a decent range of flavor options.
  • A dependable option for anybody looking to improve their muscular performance and recovery.

Price and Value

The 1.28-pound container containing 30 servings of Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine costs $39.99. This works out to about $1.33 per serving if you order it all at once. On the other hand, the business offers a monthly subscription plan that includes free shipping and a 10% reduction off the entire cost. The cost per serving is reduced to $1.20 with the subscription, making it a more affordable choice for frequent consumers.

The cost of Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine is cheap when compared to other well-known BCAA supplements available. As of this writing, the cost of a serving of XWERKS Motion BCAAs is $1.63, but a serving of Jacked Factory BCAA Powder is $0.67. The Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement is regarded by many customers as a worthwhile investment for their muscle recovery and performance objectives due to its premium components, efficient dosages, and transparent manufacturing procedure.

What Are the Pros and Cons?


  • Effective Doses: The clinically effective concentrations of all active substances maximize the potential for benefits.
  • Transparency: A third-party lab tests the product for accuracy and safety, and the ingredients are published.
  • Four distinct flavors are offered to prevent taste fatigue and maintain interest.


  • Greater Cost: This product is more costly than a lot of other BCAAs, thus it might not be affordable for everyone.
  • Taste: For people who like softer or sweeter flavors, the flavors may be too sour for them, according to some consumers.
  • Contains Stevia: Contains stevia, which for some individuals may cause stomach problems.

Third-Party Testing and Transparency

Transparent Labs takes pride in its dedication to quality assurance and transparency, putting all of its products through extensive independent testing. Through this procedure, it is guaranteed that the product is devoid of heavy metals and other dangerous impurities and that the components indicated on the label accurately represent its composition.

Certificates of analysis and composition are available on the company website for customers who purchase Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine. The amounts of the product’s active substances are listed in detail in these records, together with the findings of tests conducted to look for possible impurities and microorganisms.

For athletes and fitness fanatics who place high importance on product quality, safety, and transparency, third-party testing is especially crucial. Transparent Labs exhibits its commitment to producing a dependable and trustworthy supplement that satisfies the highest standards of quality by offering these certifications.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Glutamate and BCAAs are usually regarded as safe for most people when taken at the recommended dosages. But just like with any supplement, you should proceed with caution and speak with a doctor, particularly if you have any underlying medical concerns or are on prescription medication.

Supplements containing glutamine and BCAA may have the following possible adverse effects:

  • Discomfort in the stomach: Excessive amounts of glutamine or BCAAs might occasionally make some people bloated, gassy, or have digestive problems[8].
  • Fatigue or dizziness: Although uncommon, starting a BCAA or glutamine supplement may cause some users to feel muscle fatigued, dizzy, or headachey.
  • Reactions caused by allergies: Before using, people who are allergic to any particular ingredient (such as stevia) should take precautions and speak with a healthcare provider.

Comparison with Other BCAA Products

The Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement offers many special characteristics and benefits in addition to certain commonalities with other BCAA products available on the market.

Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine has more BCAAs per serving (8 grams vs. 3 grams in Motion), than the well-known BCAA supplement XWERKS Motion. Furthermore, whereas XWERKS employs a secret blend, Transparent Labs offers greater openness in its ingredient list by outlining the precise percentages of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Additionally, Transparent Labs has four taste selections as opposed to Motion’s one.

The fact that Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine contains glutamine, which is absent from many other BCAA supplements, is another noteworthy benefit. Since glutamine has been linked to improvements in immune system function, muscle repair, and general athletic performance, Transparent Labs’ product offers a more complete approach.

Transparent Labs also prioritizes openness and third-party testing, giving clients access to certificates of composition and analysis. Other BCAA products may not always provide this degree of openness, which makes it more difficult to confirm the authenticity and caliber of the contents.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

On the company website, customers have given Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, reflecting their generally positive opinions. The product’s ability to lessen muscular discomfort, speed up recuperation, and improve overall athletic performance has been highly acclaimed by customers.

A pleased client commented, “I’m very happy and excited about my BCAAs.” It tastes fantastic! Furthermore, it’s doing wonders for my aching physique.” One more client said, “It provides me with enough energy to push myself even farther.” My muscles are relaxed, I have no recovery soreness at all, and I can work out every day.”

Even though the majority of reviews are positive, some consumers complained about specific flavors’ tastes, especially saying they were overly tart or sour.
Though this is a personal experience, Transparent Labs provides a range of flavor selections to accommodate varying palates.

Overall, the good reviews’ recurrent themes emphasize how well the product works to speed up muscle healing, lessen discomfort, and enhance overall sports performance.

Final Verdict and Recommendations

Clinically supported dosages of BCAAs and glutamine are combined in the well-rounded and potent Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement. This product stands out as a trustworthy option for anyone looking to boost their muscle recovery and performance goals because of its open ingredient list, third-party testing, and dedication to quality.

Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine is a worthwhile investment for people who are serious about their fitness and athletic endeavors, even though it may cost a little more than some other BCAA products. These factors, along with the combination of premium ingredients, efficient dosages, and an open manufacturing process, make Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine a worthwhile product.

Athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts who regularly and intensely train and want to enhance their muscle growth and recovery potential will find this product to be an excellent choice. Given that the product is suited for vegan and gluten-free diets, it might also be advantageous for those who are on these diets.


For anyone looking to assist their muscle recovery and performance objectives, Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement provides a complete and efficient answer. Its clear ingredient list, clinically supported dosages, and dedication to independent testing make this product a standout option in the congested market for BCAA supplements.

For individuals who are serious about their fitness and athletic endeavors, the premium components and glutamine combination make this supplement worth the greater price compared to other options. This product’s attraction is further reinforced by the wide range of flavor possibilities and the good feedback from customers.

The Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement is something to think about if you’re a bodybuilder, athlete, or fitness enthusiast trying to attain the best possible results in terms of muscle building and recovery. However, it could be important to look into other possibilities for people with particular taste preferences or those on a lower budget.

In the end, your personal needs, objectives, and tastes should determine whether or not you decide to give this product a try. As with any supplement, you should always speak with a doctor, particularly if you are taking any or have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is it possible to take this supplement and maintain a gluten-free or vegan diet?
A. The BCAA Glutamine supplement from Transparent Labs is appropriate for vegan and gluten-free diets. There are no gluten-containing ingredients in the product, and the BCAAs come from fermented plant-based sources.

Q. For optimal effects, how should I take this supplement?
A. A serving (one scoop) of Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement should be taken during or just after your workout. It works best when taken in conjunction with a protein drink or post-workout meal to enhance muscle building and recovery.

Q. Is it okay to use this supplement if you’re expecting or nursing a baby?
A. The safety of supplementing with glutamine and BCAAs during pregnancy and lactation has not been well studied. It is usually advised to speak with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen during these periods to guarantee the mother’s and the child’s safety.

Q. Can I take this vitamin with prescription drugs or other supplements?
A. A healthcare provider should always be consulted before using supplements with prescription drugs or in combination with them. It’s crucial to make sure there are no conflicts or potential hazards because certain supplements or prescriptions may interact with one another or have potential contraindications.

Where to Buy Transparent Labs Glutamine BCCA?

Check the Official Website to Purchase this Product

8 Sources

BodybuildingReviews avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in BodybuildingReviews, you can read more about the editorial process here.

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Denis Faye, MS

Denis Faye, MS, is a nutrition consultant, journalist, and athlete committed to changing people's lives for the better.
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