Best Body Landmine Workouts 2024: Our Expert Guide

Tired of the barbell grind? Landmines unlock a world of functional strength training with rotational movements that build core and athletic power. Get ready to transform your fitnes best landmine workout.

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If you’re venturing into the world of strength training and looking for a fresh way to enhance your routine, landmine exercises might just be what you need. Often overlooked by beginners, the landmine station offers a unique approach to building strength, power, and mass. But what exactly makes landmine exercises stand out, and how can they transform your workout?

Landmine exercises, utilizing a barbell anchored at one end, provide a versatile platform for a variety of movements that target different muscle groups. From full-body dynamic exercises like the landmine squat press [1] to more isolated movements, these workouts can significantly improve your fitness levels.

Whether you’re aiming to increase strength with high-intensity sets or grow muscle through hypertrophy-focused reps [2], there’s a landmine workout tailored for your goals. Let’s dive into how you can incorporate the best landmine exercises into your regimen for optimal results.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Key Takeaways

  • Full-Body Engagement: Landmine exercises target all major muscle groups with a mix of strength, power, and mass-building moves, from dynamic to isolated actions.
  • Joint-Friendly with Natural Movements: Angled landmine workouts are easy on joints and good for muscles, making them great for a strength routine that’s easy on your body.
  • Focus on Core Strength: Landmine exercises emphasize core stability and strength. Rotational movements engage core muscles, boosting balance, coordination, and functional fitness.
  • Suitable for All Levels: Landmine workouts cater to any fitness level. Adjusting weight, reps, and movement complexity offers challenges for continuous improvement.
  • Boosts Athletic Performance: Landmine exercises make you stronger and help you perform better in sports and daily life. They improve your ability to twist, balance, and coordinate movements, helping both athletes and people who just want to be fit.

What is Landmine Equipment and How it Enhances Your Training

Landmine equipment is a versatile and effective training tool that can take your workouts to the next level. It consists of a barbell anchored at one end, typically with a swivel base, allowing for a wide range of dynamic movements.

The landmine setup enables you to perform exercises that mimic real-life movements, such as chopping wood or swinging a sledge hammer, making it an excellent choice for functional training. One of the primary advantages of landmine equipment is its ability to challenge your core stability and rotational strength.

With Landmine Exercises you can improve coordination, balance, and overall strength. This comprehensive training approach not only enhances your athletic performance but also reduces the risk of injuries.

Additionally, landmine equipment allows for greater loading potential compared to traditional free weights or resistance bands. By adjusting the weight on the barbell, you can progressively increase the resistance, ensuring that your muscles are consistently challenged and stimulated for continuous growth.

Fundamentals of Performing Landmine Exercises

The foundation of performing landmine exercises lies in understanding the movement patterns and proper form. Each exercise requires attention to your body’s alignment and the specific path of motion to ensure effectiveness and prevent injury. Things you should look for before starting the exercise;

  • Positioning: Start by positioning yourself relative to the barbell’s free end. Your stance will vary depending on the exercise – it could be a shoulder-width stance for squats or a staggered stance for rows.
  • Grip and Alignment: Ensure your grip on the barbell is secure. Align your body so the movement path of the barbell feels natural and does not strain any part of your body.
  • Execution: Perform the exercise with controlled movements. Focus on engaging the target muscles through the full range of motion. Be mindful of your form throughout each rep to maximise effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury.

Top Full-Body Landmine Workouts

Expanding your fitness routine to include landmine exercises can significantly enhance your strength, coordination, and overall athleticism. With the right technique and a bit of dedication, these workouts can transform your fitness regime. Let’s delve into some top full-body landmine workouts that cater to various fitness levels, focusing on compound movements and core strength.

Landmine Squat To Press (Thruster)

Why Do It: The Landmine Squat to Press [3], often referred to as a Thruster, is a powerhouse move for integrating the strength of your lower body with the power of your upper body in one fluid motion. It’s a full-body exercise that enhances coordination, boosts metabolic rate, and improves explosive power – essential for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Landmine Squat Tutorial (Video Credit: Ben Bruno YouTube Channel)

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How To Do It:

  • Start by loading the barbell and standing upright, gripping the free end with both hands at chest level.
  • Squat down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, keeping your chest up and eye forward.
  • In one motion, drive through your heels to return to standing while pressing the bar overhead until your arms are fully extended.
  • Lower the bar back to your chest to complete one rep. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps, adjusting the weight according to your fitness level.

Targets: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, and triceps, with your core engaged throughout the movement for stability.

2. Landmine Deadlift Variations

Why Do It: Landmine deadlift variations offer a fantastic way to build posterior chain strength with a lower injury risk than traditional deadlifts. The angled bar path and the ability to use a neutral grip decrease lower back strain and enhance the engagement of the hamstrings and glutes.

Landmine Deadlift (Video Credit: Ian Nimblett YouTube Channel)

How To Do It:

  • Stand with the barbell between your feet, which should be hip-width apart. Hinge at your hips to grab the end of the barbell with both hands.
  • Keeping your back straight and core tight, lift the bar by extending your hips and knees until you are fully standing.
  • Lower the bar back to the ground under control. For variation, try single-leg deadlifts [4] by lifting one leg off the ground while performing the movement.
  • Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps, focusing on form and muscle engagement.

Targets: These variations primarily target the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. The single-leg version also challenges your balance and core stability.

3. Rotational Landmine Moves for Core Strength

Why Do It: Incorporating rotational movements into your workout is crucial for building a strong, functional core. Rotational landmine exercises[5] improve flexibility, aid in injury prevention, and enhance your ability to perform everyday movements and athletic skills.

Build Functional Rotational Landmine CORE STRENGTH and stability (Video Credit: JTM_FIT YouTube Channel)

How To Do It:

  • Anchor the barbell in the landmine and stand perpendicular to it, gripping the end with both hands in front of your chest.
  • Rotate your torso to one side, pivoting on your feet, then twist to the other side in a smooth, controlled motion.
  • Keep your hips square and core engaged throughout the movement to maximize the exercise’s effectiveness.
  • Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side, focusing on the quality of movement over speed.

Targets: This exercise targets the obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis, along with the lower back muscles and hips.

Focused Landmine Exercises for Muscle Groups

Diving into the world of landmine workouts, you’ll discover exercises that not only challenge your body in new ways but also optimize muscle engagement across various groups. From sculpting your upper body to building a stronger lower body and enhancing core stability, landmine exercises offer a plethora of benefits. Let’s break down some focused movements you can incorporate into your routine.

1. Upper Body Sculpting with Landmine Presses

Why Do It: Landmine presses stand out for their ability to target the shoulders, chest, and triceps in a joint-friendly manner. Unlike traditional overhead presses, the arc movement of the landmine press aligns more naturally with your shoulder’s anatomy, minimizing stress on the joint while still providing an intense workout.

Landmine Shoulder Press (Video Credit: Mind Pump TV YouTube Channel)

How To Do It:

  • Position yourself standing, with one end of the barbell anchored in a corner or landmine station.
  • Pick up the free end of the barbell with one hand; stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Press the barbell upwards and slightly forwards in an arc, fully extending your arm.
  • Lower it back down to the starting position in a controlled motion. Repeat for reps before switching arms.

Targets: Primarily, this exercise targets the anterior deltoids and triceps, with secondary activation in the chest and core for stability.

2. Lower Body Building with Landmine Lunges and Squats

Why Do It: Enhancing leg strength, balance, and power, landmine lunges and squats are fundamental for any lower body workout. They engage your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while also requiring core engagement for balance. These variations help correct form and distribute weight more evenly to reduce knee strain.

Landmine Lateral Lunge (Video Credit: Testosterone Nation YouTube Channel)

How To Do It:

1. For Squats:

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, holding the free end of the barbell at chest level.
  • Squat down as if sitting back into a chair, ensuring your knees don’t go over your toes.
  • Press up through your heels to return to standing, engaging your glutes at the top.

2. For Lunges:

  • Start by holding the barbell at chest height, and stepping back into a lunge position.
  • Lower your back knee towards the ground, keeping the front shin vertical.
  • Drive through the front heel to stand back up, switching legs after completing all reps.

Targets: Squats target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Lunges add more focus to the hamstrings and glutes, also challenging your balance and stability.

3. Bonus Excercise

Landmine Excercise for Core Stability: Anti-rotational and Rotational Exercises
Why Do It: Core stability is crucial for overall movement health and performance. Antirotation and rotational exercises with a landmine enforce core engagement, enhancing strength and muscular endurance. These movements mimic everyday activities and sports-specific motions, reducing the risk of injuries.

Landmine Squat Anti-Rotation (Video Credit: Testosterone Nation YouTube Channel)

How To Do It:

1. For Antirotation Press:

  • Stand perpendicular to the barbell with feet shoulder-width apart, holding the barbell with both hands close to your chest.
  • Press the barbell directly in front of you without allowing your torso to twist, engaging your core throughout the movement.
  • Retract the barbell to your chest and repeat.

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2. For Rotational Clean:

  • Start with the barbell on your side, holding the free end with your inside hand.
  • In one fluid motion, lift and rotate your body toward the barbell, extending your arm upwards.
  • Control the barbell back to the starting position.

Targets: These exercises target the entire core, with a particular focus on the obliques. They also engage the shoulders and hips, providing a comprehensive workout that improves rotational power and anti-rotation stability.

Benefits of Incorporating Landmine Workouts

Landmine workouts have gained popularity for their ability to provide dynamic, functional, and highly effective strength training. Let’s dive into these benefits to understand why adding landmine workouts to your routine can be a game-changer.

  • Joint Safety: One of the primary benefits of landmine workouts is their safety for the joints. The unique bar path used in landmine exercises—angled rather than straight—puts less pressure on the joints [6] compared to traditional overhead and heavy lifting. This makes landmine workouts particularly beneficial for those with joint concerns or previous injuries.
  • Full Body Activation: Landmine exercises are designed to engage multiple muscle groups across the body. Whether targeting the upper body, lower body, or core, the exercises facilitate full-body activation. This comprehensive engagement helps in improving overall muscle balance and body coordination.
  • Increased Grip Strength: Typically, landmine workouts involve holding the bar’s sleeve, which is thicker than the standard barbell handle. This not only challenges the muscles differently but also significantly improves grip strength. Enhanced grip strength [7] is beneficial for other weightlifting exercises and daily activities requiring hand strength.
  • Adaptability and Variety: The adaptability of landmine exercises allows them to be modified for various fitness levels, making them suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike. Moreover, the ability to perform movements while standing, kneeling, or lying down adds variety to workouts, which can help prevent exercise monotony and keep motivation high.
  • Functional Fitness Improvement: Many landmine exercises incorporate rotational movements and lifts that mimic everyday activities. This aspect of functional training ensures that the benefits of exercising translate into real-world physical improvements, enhancing overall body mechanics and efficiency.

How to Use Landmine Workout

Incorporating landmine exercises into your strength training routine can elevate your fitness by focusing on core strength, balance, and rotational power while being gentle on your joints.

However, to reap these benefits fully and avoid injury, it’s crucial to pay attention to technique, posture, and the progression of your workouts.
Let’s delve into how you can safely integrate landmine workouts into your routine, ensuring you’re not only working out efficiently but also protecting your body in the process.

Proper Technique and Posture for Safety

Why Do It: Proper technique and posture ensure you maximize the effectiveness of each exercise while minimizing the risk of injury. They are foundational to performing landmine exercises correctly, helping you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.

How To Do It:

  • Set Up Correctly: Begin each exercise by positioning your body correctly with the landmine bar. Ensure you have a stable stance, with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent to maintain balance throughout the movement.
  • Engage Your Core: Before initiating any movement, tighten your core. This step is vital for stabilizing your spine and supporting your body as you execute the exercise.
  • Mind Your Form: Keep your back straight and avoid rounding your shoulders or back, especially during exercises like the landmine press or squat. Proper form helps target the intended muscle groups effectively.
  • Breathe: Remember to breathe consistently throughout your exercises; inhale during the less strenuous part of the movement and exhale during the exertion phase. This practice not only aids in muscle relaxation but also keeps you focused and stabilized.

Targets: Focusing on technique and posture targets your overall exercise execution, optimizes engagement of the intended muscle groups, and reduces the strain on your joints and spine.

Workout Progression and Frequency

Gradually increasing the intensity and complexity of your landmine workouts ensures continuous improvement without overloading your muscles or risking overuse injuries.

  • Start Slow: If you’re new to landmine workouts, start with basic exercises to get familiar with the movements and how your body responds. Gradually introduce more complex exercises as you gain confidence and strength.
  • Increase Intensity Wisely: Rather than jumping straight into heavy weights or high reps, gradually increase the weight or add more repetitions over time. This approach allows your body to adapt and build strength sustainably.
  • Rest and Recover: Allow sufficient rest between workouts that target the same muscle groups. Muscle repair and growth occur during rest periods, so incorporating rest days into your routine is crucial for the progress and prevention of injuries.
  • Mix It Up: Incorporate a variety of landmine exercises targeting different muscle groups into your routine. This practice not only prevents boredom but also ensures a balanced workout, reducing the risk of overworking specific muscles.


Embracing landmine exercises can revolutionize your strength training routine by enhancing core stability, balance, and overall muscle engagement. Remember the golden rules: always prioritize form over weight, focus on your core, and breathe correctly to power through each movement.

Don’t forget to listen to your body, allowing adequate rest and integrating a diverse range of exercises to avoid plateaus and injuries. By following these guidelines, you’ll unlock the full potential of landmine workouts, paving the way for a stronger, more athletic you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is landmine workout effective?
A. Landmine training offers a multi-faceted approach to fitness improvement. Regularly incorporating landmine exercises into your routine can actively enhance your strength and muscle development, improve your balance and stability, and potentially address any postural misalignments you may have.

Q. Are landmine workouts good?
A. Landmine training offers a versatile approach to exercise, facilitating the activation of various muscle groups throughout the body. Landmine exercises can be performed in multiple positions, including standing, kneeling, and lying down.

Q. What are landmine exercises?
A. Landmine exercises utilize a barbell secured at one end within a landmine base or a corner. The free-moving opposite end of the barbell allows for the execution of various exercises. This unique setup distinguishes landmine exercises from traditional weight training methods due to the rotational and unilateral (one-sided) movements they enable.
Q. Can landmine squats replace squats?
A. Landmine squats and traditional squats provide distinct yet complementary benefits for lower body development. Landmine squats may place a greater emphasis on certain muscle groups and potentially improve core stability due to the rotational movement.

They can be incorporated as a variation exercise within a workout program, although they might not fully replicate the functional movement patterns and core engagement associated with a traditional squat.

Q. Are landmines squats worth it?
A. Landmine squats present a compelling value proposition. They demonstrably enhance strength while simultaneously promoting coordination and stability. This versatility makes them a worthwhile addition to any training program.
Q. Can you get a full body workout with a landmine?
A. While the landmine is often seen as a supplementary tool, its versatility extends beyond that. The range of motion in landmine exercises effectively targets various muscle groups, including core, legs, back, shoulders, and even arms. This allows for the development of total body strength when incorporated as a primary training tool.
Q. What body part do landmines work in?
A. Landmine exercises offer a targeted approach to upper body development. They actively engage the latissimus dorsi (lats), upper back muscles, rear deltoids (shoulder muscles), and biceps brachii (biceps). This exercise modality may also allow individuals to lift heavier weights during rows compared to traditional barbell rows.
Q. What size barbell is best for landmine?
A. Selecting the ideal barbell size for landmine exercises depends on your needs and available space. However, a 7-foot Olympic barbell offers the most versatility. Its length allows for a wider range of exercise variations and accommodates the loading of heavier weights for progressive overload.

Erin Pereira, PT, DPT

Erin Pereira, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist and athletic trainer at Athletico Physical Therapy in the western suburbs of Chicago.

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