Best Jump Ropes for Speed, Cardio, Crossovers & Weight loss in 2024

Elevate your fitness routine with the best jump ropes chosen by our fitness experts. Burn calories, build strength, and boost coordination effortlessly!

Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; we may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links. You can learn more about our review process here.


Finding time and space for a full-scale workout can often feel like an impossible task. You’re not alone in this struggle, it’s a widespread issue. The good news is, there is a compact, inexpensive solution that could offer an intense full-body exercise anytime, anywhere. Yes, humble jump rope.

This seemingly simple tool packs a punch when it comes to fitness. It can boost cardiovascular health, tone muscles, and even improve coordination. However, not all ropes are created equal. With a multitude of options available, the selection process can be overwhelming.

We’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation by reviewing the best jump ropes on the market. The following sections will cover their unique features, benefits, and how they stack up against each other. Ready? Let’s get started.

Best Jump Ropes

Best Overall Jump Rope:
Crossrope Get Lean

Best Jump Rope for Endurance Training:
Rx Smart Gear Drag Jump Rope

Best Jump Rope for Learning Double-Unders:
WOD Nation Adjustable Speed Jump Rope For Men, Women

Best Jump Rope for Beginners:
XYL sports Jump Rope

Best Budget Jump Rope:
Degol Ball Bearing Skipping Rope

Our Top Picks

#1 Crossrope Get Lean

What we love:

  • Interchangeability
  • High-quality Design
  • Good Feedback for Learners
  • Comprehensive Set

What to consider:

  • Subscription for smart features
  • Weight

Why we chose Crossrope Get Lean:

The Crossrope Get Lean bundle is an excellent option for full body workouts with just ropes. It includes three ropes suited to different intensities and workout goals for efficient calorie burning and fat loss. Measuring progress is also easy with the included app, making it a convenient and effective choice.


CrossRope Get Lean Jump Rope Set is an excellent investment for those looking to learn double-unders. The set’s design and construction provide a ton of feedback essential for beginners to develop body awareness and master the technique.

While it may be heavier than a traditional speed rope, the user experience remains top-notch. However, to access the smart features, one would need a $79.99 per year subscription. Overall, this comprehensive set is perfect for those looking to improve their jump roping skills and take their workouts to the next level.

#2 Rx Smart Gear Drag Jump Rope

What we love:

  • Indoor-friendly Design
  • Ease of Use
  • Form-assistance
  • Adaptable to Learners and Limited Mobility Athletes

What to consider:

  • Caloric Burn
  • Lightweight Design
  • Adjustment Difficulty

Why we chose Rx Smart Gear Drag Rope:

The Rx Smart Gear Drag Rope is a versatile and portable option for high-intensity interval training. At just over 2 pounds, it allows convenient conditioning anywhere and provides an adjustable resistance level up to 30 pounds via an integrated weighted drag mechanism, enabling athletes to progressively challenge themselves.


RX Smart Gear Rotational Trainers offer a unique twist on traditional jump roping. With their cordless design, athletes can practice proper form while avoiding skin welts that are commonly associated with cable-to-skin contact.

The woven nylon construction and adjustable knots make these trainers adaptable and user-friendly. They are especially useful for beginners, adaptive athletes, or those with physical limitations.

While the caloric burn may be less than with regular jump ropes and the lightweight design may not be for everyone, they serve as an excellent tool for indoor workouts and form perfection. As a CrossFit coach, these trainers come highly recommended for their versatility and ease of use.

#3 WOD Nation Adjustable Speed Jump Rope

What we love:

  • Affordability and Durability
  • Lightweight Design
  • Comes with Multiple Cables
  • Minimal Wrist Movement

What to consider:

  • Adjustment Difficulty
  • Basic Plastic Handles.
  • Cable Kinks

Why we chose WOD Nation Adjustable Speed Rope:

We chose the WOD Nation Adjustable Speed Rope for its versatility. With adjustable lengths from 5 to 7.5 feet, it accommodates users of varying heights. Its weighted handles allow for increased intensity over basic ropes. This makes it a great addition for high-intensity interval training.


WOD Nation Double Under Speed Rope is a favorite among the BBR team members. We found customer Adam S. on amazon, who has personally used this rope for five years without any complaints. Not only is this rope durable and long-lasting, but it also features all the essential components of a good speed rope—ball bearings, an uber-thin cable (2.5 millimeters), and a coated wire cable.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that this rope might not be the best choice for everyone due to the nuts holding the cable in place, which can come loose and require tightening with a small wrench. Besides this minor inconvenience, the WOD Nation Double Under Speed Jump Rope is seen as almost perfect, offering the best value for most people.

#4 XYL Sports Jump Rope

What we love:

  • Affordability and Convenience
  • Straightforward Design
  • Strong and Adjustable Cable
  • Comfortable Grip

What to consider:

  • Speed Limitations
  • Simplicity
  • Rotation Smoothness

Why we chose XYL Sports Jump Rope:

The XYL sports rope is a highly portable and affordable option for full body cardio workouts with minimal space needs. Its lightweight yet durable construction and adjustable rope length make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, allowing users to engage in high-intensity interval training just about anywhere.


If you’re searching for an affordable and straightforward jump rope to get started, the XYLSports Jump Rope is a commendable choice. With a price tag of about $10 and a design featuring durable PVC rope and comfortable foam handles, it has amassed more than 2,000 positive reviews on Amazon.

The rope is easy to adjust and delivers decent speeds, although it might not be the best fit for high-speed workouts. Despite the absence of a true rotation system, even beginners will find the rope easy to handle. Overall, you’ll be investing in a reliable jump rope that’s likely to last for years without breaking the bank.

#5 Degol Ball Bearing Skipping Rope

What we love:

  • Affordable and Good Value for Money
  • Quality and Design
  • Comfortable Grip
  • Versatile Fitness Tool
  • Strong User Validation

What to consider:

  • Thick Handles
  • Decent Bearings
  • Odds of Tangling
  • Not Suitable for Advanced Double-Unders

Why we chose Degol Ball Bearing Skipping Rope:

The Degol Ball Bearing Skipping Rope is a top choice for cardio training due to its durable stainless steel ball bearings that allow for fast, smooth rotations. Weighing only 5.3 ounces, it offers lightweight portability plus variable resistance for interval-based full-body workouts with a small storage footprint.


Degol Ball Bearing Skipping Rope is a cost-effective solution for individuals looking to incorporate jump rope into their general fitness routines. Despite the low price point, it offers surprising durability and design features, such as bearing rotation and a PVC-coated braided steel wire cable.

The comfortable memory foam grips are a value-add, especially for those prioritizing comfort in their workouts. However, our tester found them slightly soft. The bearings aren’t the fastest on the market, but they perform decently for a $9 rope. While the Degol rope isn’t the best choice for aspiring double-under wonders, it’s a fantastic option for the average person seeking to enjoy jump rope for fun or fitness.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Jump Rope


Durability is a key factor in selecting the jump rope. The materials used in making the rope, whether it’s PVC, leather, or wire, should be robust and capable of standing up to regular use.

Similarly, the handles – made from plastic, wood, or metal – need to be sturdy enough to withstand the vigorous activity of skipping. But durability isn’t just about the individual parts; it’s also about how well they are put together. The connections between the rope and handles should be secure and long-lasting.


Performance is a critical aspect of any fitness tool, and jump ropes are no exception. The jump ropes have a consistent swing, resist tangling, and help maintain your rhythm during workouts.

The weight of the rope impacts its performance – heavier ropes might offer more control, while lighter ones could be faster. The handles also play a significant role in the performance of the jump rope. They should rotate smoothly to keep the rope moving consistently.

A high-performing jump rope feels like an extension of your body, making your workout seamless and enjoyable.


Adjustability is a feature that adds value to a jump rope. We all come in different shapes and sizes, and our jump ropes should too.

A rope that’s too long or too short can lead to inefficient workouts or even accidents. Hence, many jump ropes today offer adjustable lengths to accommodate users of different heights. This feature often involves a mechanism in the handle or the rope that allows you to adjust the length according to your needs.

An adjustable jump rope is like a custom-made suit; it fits you perfectly, enhancing your workout experience.

Handle Comfort

The handles of a jump rope are your point of contact with the device. Therefore, they should be comfortable to hold and not cause any discomfort or strain during use.

Look for handles that are ergonomically designed, lightweight, and offer a non-slip grip. Some jump ropes even offer padded or contoured handles for extra comfort. When the handles are comfortable, you can focus on your workout and not on maintaining your grip on the handles.

Value for Money

While jump ropes are typically not expensive, it’s important to ensure you’re getting good value for your money. This means finding a jump rope that offers excellent performance, durability, and comfort at a reasonable price.

Sometimes, spending a little more on a high-quality jump rope that will last longer and provide a better workout experience is worth it. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best value if it doesn’t meet your needs or breaks down quickly. Your fitness is an investment, and the right jump rope should reflect that.

Benefits of Jump Ropes

Full-Body Workout

Jumping rope is a comprehensive exercise that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. It primarily works on your lower body muscles, including your calves, quads, and hamstrings.

Simultaneously, it engages your upper body muscles, particularly your shoulders and arms, as they work to swing the rope. Additionally, your core muscles are constantly engaged to stabilize your body during the activity, promoting overall strength and balance.

Cardiovascular Health

Regular use of a jump rope can significantly improve your cardiovascular health. As an aerobic exercise, it increases your heart rate, enhances lung capacity, and promotes efficient oxygen use by your body. These improvements can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and hypertension


Jumping rope also enhances your coordination skills. The activity requires you to synchronize your hand movements with your foot jumps, which can be challenging initially. However, with regular practice, your hand-eye-foot coordination can improve significantly, benefiting you in various sports and daily activities.

Weight Loss

Jumping rope is an effective tool for weight loss. It is a high-intensity exercise that can burn a significant number of calories in a short period. Depending on your intensity and duration, you can potentially burn more calories when jumping rope than with many other common exercises

Bone Density

Jumping rope is a weight-bearing exercise, meaning it forces you to work against gravity. This type of activity is known to improve bone density and strength, which can help prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related health issues as you age

However, it’s important to note that while it’s a weight-bearing exercise, it should be done correctly, with soft landings, to avoid excessive stress on your joints.

Portability and Affordability

A jump rope is a lightweight and compact fitness tool that you can easily carry around and use in various settings, be it at home, a park, or during travel. This makes it a convenient option for maintaining your exercise routine no matter where you are.

Moreover, compared to many other fitness tools, a jump rope is relatively inexpensive, making it an accessible choice for most people.

Who Should Use Jump Rope?

  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or someone who enjoys staying active, a jump rope can be a great addition to your workout regimen. It provides a full-body workout, helps improve cardiovascular health, and aids in coordination. Plus, it’s a fun way to mix up your routine and keep things interesting.
  • Individuals Seeking Weight Loss: If you’re looking to lose weight, jumping rope can be an effective tool to include in your strategy. It’s a high-intensity exercise that burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
  • People Short on Time: For those with a busy schedule, finding time to hit the gym can be challenging. This is where the convenience of a jump rope shines. You can use it almost anywhere – at home, in the park, or even during a lunch break at work. Just a few minutes of jumping rope can provide a quick, effective workout.
  • Athletes and Sportspeople: Athletes, especially those involved in sports that require agility and quick footwork like boxing or soccer, can greatly benefit from jumping rope. It helps improve coordination, agility, and speed, all of which are valuable assets in many sports.
  • Older Adults: Jumping rope, when done correctly, can help enhance bone density, making it beneficial for older adults at risk of osteoporosis. However, it’s important for seniors to start slow, maintain soft landings to protect the joints, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.
  • Children and Adolescents: Children and adolescents can also benefit from jumping rope. It’s a fun activity and a great way to help them stay active, improve coordination, and develop a habit of regular exercise from a young age.

How to Use a Skipping Rope

  • Find Your Balance: Familiarize yourself with your weight point by moving a little side to side, forwards, and backward.
  • Choose the Right Rope Length: The handles of the rope should reach up to about your armpits when you stand in the middle of the rope.
  • Position Your Feet and Hands Correctly: Keep your feet close together while jumping and land softly on the midsoles of your feet. Your hands should be slightly above your waistline, letting your wrists do most of the work.
  • Start with the Basics: Initially, jump with both feet at the same time. As you get comfortable, you can try different styles, like alternating between feet.
  • Gradually Increase Intensity: Start slow and gradually increase your speed and duration as your fitness level improves. It’s better to do shorter sessions with good form than longer sessions with poor form.

final-sec verdictConclusion

A well-chosen jump rope can be a powerful ally in your fitness regimen, offering an efficient, full-body workout that burns calories and tones muscles simultaneously.

However, remember that the true power lies in consistent use. Incorporate it into your regular routine and witness the transformational results first-hand. So, picking the right jump rope is not just about the tool itself, but about fostering a commitment to your health and fitness.

So, why not take the next step? Explore the world of jump rope workouts and experience how this uncomplicated yet effective tool can elevate your fitness journey!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What Length Should A Jump Rope Be?
A. The length of your rope should ideally be proportional to your height. To check if a rope is the right length for you, step on the center of the rope with one foot and pull the handles upwards. They should reach up to about your armpits. If it’s too long or short, it could affect your workout efficiency and increase the risk of tripping.

Q. How Many Calories Are Burned When Using A Jump Rope?
A. The number of calories burned while rope jumping can vary depending on factors like weight, workout intensity, and duration. On average, jumping rope can burn about 10 to 16 calories per minute. So, if you jump rope for 30 minutes, you could burn approximately 300 to 480 calories.

Q. Is Jump Rope Good for Belly Fat?
A. Absolutely! Jumping rope is a form of cardiovascular exercise that can help burn calories and consequently reduce belly fat. However, it’s essential to note that spot reduction (losing fat from only one area of the body) isn’t generally possible. Regular rope workouts, combined with a balanced diet and overall active lifestyle, can contribute to total-body fat loss, including the belly area.

Q. How Long Should I Jump Rope a Day?
A. This largely depends on your fitness level and goals. For those just starting out, get yourself the rope for beginners, then start with short sessions of around five minutes a day. As your stamina and skill improve, you can gradually increase this time. For those aiming for weight loss or improved cardiovascular health, working up to 30-minute sessions can be beneficial.

Where to Buy Jump Rope?

Check the Official Website to Purchase this Product


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  1. The Effect of Skipping rope Exercise on Physical and Cardiovascular Fitness among Collegiate Males:
  2. Caloric expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men:
  3. The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients:

Wan Na Chun, MPH, CPT, RDN

Wan Na Chun, MPH, CPT, RDN is a New York City-based public health dietitian nutritionist, certified personal trainer, & media consultant expert.

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